24 January 2013

Welcome to 2013 - February Meeting

Hi Everyone
Welcome to 2013 with the Port Hacking Potters.  I hope the year has started well for you all.  I know some of our members have already fired the big kiln - well done.

Our first meeting of the year will start off with reminiscences of a trip to Tuscany last year by Lisa Johnson.  Lisa travelled to the School of Ceramics in  Certaldo, Italy for the workshop run by Susan Nemeth.

It is a beautiful part of the world and the work is beautiful too.

Remember we have supper after the demonstration and before the meeting so please bring a plate to share.

7.30 pm Wednesday 6th February 2013
See you in the upstairs meeting room (via front door on Surf Road, use the lift or the stairs).

Bowls - Susan Nemeth - coloured clay workshop Italy.